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Some Frequently Asked Questions About Steroid Use

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Steroid Use

May 12,2018

1 Are steroid gains permanent?

Using steroids to gain muscle and lose fat is probably the first question that comes to your mind, so one of the main concerns about steroid gains is whether or not they are permanent.

Athletes using steroids may benefit them long-term for the rest of their lives, according to new research. Experiments on mice have shown that the use of testosterone can rapidly increase muscle mass in mice in a short period of time, and the increased muscle can be retained for a long time.

2 Are steroids bad for your heart?

Excessive long-term use of large amounts of steroids can have serious effects on a person's health, including the heart.

According to medical research, people who take steroids for long-term inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory gastrointestinal disease are more likely to suffer from heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems.

The risk of cardiovascular disease increases with the dose and duration of steroid therapy.

3 Can injectable steroids be taken orally?

Steroids can be administered systemically or locally to specific disease sites.

Systemic steroids can be given orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly.

Some injectable steroids are also available as oral supplements instead of injections.

4 Do steroids make you feel tired all the time?

Steroids are less likely to cause serious negative effects when you use them in short-term or low doses. However, at higher doses, they can sometimes have some negative effects, such as increased hunger, mood swings, and sleep problems.

5 Can You Buy Steroids Over the Counter in Stores?

We used to be able to buy some supplements containing steroids in health food stores or gyms, but now these are mostly illegal and require a prescription. DHEA is one of the few exceptions, as it is still available over the counter.

6 Can you take steroids safely?

Long-term use of steroids can cause some harmful side effects. On the other hand, if you can take care of yourself, then there is less danger.

Steroid side effects largely depend on the dose and duration of use. If you are using low doses, the chances of serious adverse reactions are very small, especially if you take precautions, protective measures. Therefore, before starting any drug, you should fully understand its hazards.

7 Can steroid injections affect the kidneys?

Injecting steroids can have various effects on the kidneys. Acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, and glomerular toxicity may all be caused or exacerbated by them.

These negative effects are mediated through pathways such as stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, increased endothelin production, production of reactive oxygen species, overexpression of profibrotic and proapoptotic mediators, and overexpression of inflammatory cytokines . Therefore, use it sparingly and keep the dosage low to avoid these side effects.

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8 Do Weightlifters Use Steroids?

Steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can significantly improve athletic performance, so some weightlifters do use steroids.

9 Do Steroids Affect Your Sexual Performance?

Steroids may affect your libido, which can increase in men and irregular menstrual cycles in women during steroid use.

Steroids such as prednisone, used to treat many chronic inflammatory diseases, can cause a drop in serum testosterone, which can reduce libido and lead to erectile dysfunction.

10 Do Steroids Affect Your Breathing?

Steroids do not cause breathing problems except in a few cases.

If you use high doses of steroids for a specific treatment and then move to lower levels, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, one of which is increased breathlessness.

11 Do Steroids Give You Insomnia?

With certain steroids, such as trenbolone, it may cause trouble sleeping, hotness, and profuse sweating.

12 Do Steroids Make You Angry?

Steroids are man-made counterparts to the hormone testosterone, which causes boys to go through puberty. Since testosterone and violence have been linked in research, a man may feel angry and aggressive.

13 Do Steroids Make You Stronger or Bigger?

Doctors use steroids to treat delayed puberty and other health problems. Bodybuilders use them to build muscle, and they increase muscle size as well as bone strength.

14 Do Steroids Make Your Heart Beat Faster?

Taking high doses of steroids for a long time may cause cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and increased heart rate.

15 Are Steroids Weakening Your Immune System?

Long-term use of steroids can lead to a variety of adverse effects. A weakened immune system is one of the negative effects. The more you abuse steroids, the weaker your immune system becomes.

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