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about SARMS

April 12,2018

The US team was originally just an ordinary thin young man with no superpowers. With the help of the Superman soldier serum to stimulate his human potential, he transformed into a highly intelligent, strength, agility, acuity, and physique beyond the reach of ordinary people. So are there any similar drugs in reality? Although it is not exaggerated to be like a virtual superhuman serum, it is still there in terms of increasing muscle mass! In addition to synthetic steroids and testosterone, there are many other types of these drugs. The examples here are LGD-4033 and MK-2866.

What are these two things? They are selective androgen receptor modulators (Selective androgen receptor modulators, SARM) ; it seems difficult to understand at first, but directly conclude that this thing has the effect of testosterone, but the side effects are not as great as testosterone.

SARM is a non-steroidal drug that can directly act on the receptors of androgen, targeting muscles, bones, sexual functions, etc., and can produce the same effect as testosterone; this type of drug does not convert testosterone into dihydro Testosterone (DHT, dihydrotestosterone) or estrogen (Estrogen), so relatively few acne, gynecomastia problems

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In addition, these drugs do not affect the endocrine system as strongly as steroids and testosterone, so for those who are using black magic, post cycle therapy (PCT, Post Cycle Therapy) is not necessary, but it still depends on the situation , it is best to have a hormonal test as an auxiliary assessment.

SARM is mainly used to treat muscle loss in medicine, such as sarcopenia caused by aging or malignant disease caused by cancer. It is still not recommended for the treatment of low sexual function. Although the side effects are relatively low compared to other anabolic steroids, long-term abuse still has side effects, and planned and guided use is still required.

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